Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Every day brings news of a data breach that could ruin an organization financially, damage the trust that patients, clients or customers have in a brand, and create legal nightmares. All of this happens due to cybercriminals gaining access to sensitive information – either on paper or in digital form stored in documents (both physical and electronic) companies manage and utilize.

This is the reason why secure document management isn’t just an ideal practice, it’s a necessity. Secure document management will ensure that the data is secure from unauthorized access and attack. It assists organizations in complying with major compliance standards like HIPAA and GDPR.

Document encryption, digital rights watermarking, and a well-defined control of access are the main types of secure documents management. These options allow you to restrict access to documents to only those who need it for their job, and prevent the copying, editing or printing.

Document security includes limiting the number of times documents could be printed, downloaded or saved to another computer. This makes it impossible for cybercriminals “rip” your information and put it on theirs. It can also help reduce the risk that a document is damaged as a result of a mistake that can occur when a user changes a file accidentally or maliciously.

Secure document management can help companies save money, time and energy by eliminating manual processes that could lead to errors. They also help improve communication with clients, and establish more trusting relationships. These technologies are crucial to the success of any company.


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